Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Es Schneit in Heidelberg!!

A Snowy Day in Heidelberg

ITS SNOWING IN HEIDELBERG! For those of you who know me really well, I have been banking on a March snow here in hberg. I absolutely love nothing more than snow, and to get to be surrounded by a snow covered castle and hills was my dream for this year.

Well, March rolled around and STILL no snow!

BUT THEN...Saturday came along and after cuddling with 6 people on austin and my bed watching August Rush we looked out the window to see SNOW! It was more like little dip-n-dots of ice but still created white which was all that mattered. We ran outside in our shorts and sweatshirts and uggs and had a snowball fight. Then, it snowed all day on Easter Sunday, but nothing stuck. Finally it snowed hard on monday and actually stuck! It melted by the end of the day, and I was so sad because I really wanted to see the castle all white.

This morning, my roommate chelsea and I woke up at 9 to find an unexpected white Heidelberg! So of course, we threw on layers and ran to the castle. It has been the best day ever! I LOVE SNOW!

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